Brady - Clear Rigid Poly Vertical Permanent Locking Badge Holder - Pack of 100

Clear Vertical Permanent Locking Plastic Card Holder. The end piece snaps permanently into the card holder's end to lock the cards Inside. You must break the holder to remove the cards. The end piece is included and comes with slot and chain holes. It holds two 30-mil cards.

Item # 1840-6045
Manufacturier: Brady People ID

Livraison gratuite* sur les commandes de plus de $249
Garantie du Meilleur Prix*
Notre prix: $129.00
Prix de détail: $139.00
Économie de 7%

Brady People ID

Description disponible en anglais seulement.

The tamper-proof locking system protects your expensive ID and proximity cards.

The end piece (included) snaps permanently into the end of the cardholder to lock the card(s) inside. Just break open the holder to remove the card.

Card not included

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