Brady - Clear RigidWear Vertical 2-Card Badge Holder - Pack of 100

Rigid wear Vertical 2-Card Badge Holder. Clear Rigid Plastic With Slot And Thumb Notches on Both Sides. Holds two 30-mil cards.

Item # 1840-6560
Manufacturier: Brady People ID

Livraison gratuite* sur les commandes de plus de $249
Garantie du Meilleur Prix*
Notre prix: $155.00
Prix de détail: $235.00
Économie de 34%

Brady People ID

Description disponible en anglais seulement.

These RigidWear™ 2-card holders include two thumbnotches for easy removal of each card.

They are made of clear rigid plastic and hold 2 standard CR80 30 mil cards.

RigidWear rigid 2-card holders attach easily to any badge reel, lanyard or strap clip and accomodate vertical-oriented cards.

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