Entrust Cleaning Swabs [Pack of 5 swabs]

Entrust Cleaning Swab (5 Pack) (Isopropanol-saturated cleaning swabs for cleaning debris and dust from hard-to-reach internal printer areas.)

Item # 507377-001
Manufacturier: Entrust

Livraison gratuite* sur les commandes de plus de $249
Garantie du Meilleur Prix*
Notre prix: $14.95
Prix de détail: $16.95
Économie de 12%


Description disponible en anglais seulement.

Entrust cleaning swabs offer an easy and inexpensive way to maintain your Entrust printer's optimal printing functionality. Entrust alcohol cleaning swabs clean dust and other debris from the printhead to help avoid damage and help ensure the quality of your printed cards. The alcohol cleaning swabs can also be used to clean other areas of the printer that build up dust and debris.

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